
What do you usually do at the weekend?

Second weekend in August, head west. And see some of the finest machinery on two wheels being piloted by seriously quick riders.

If the leathers fit, you may very well see me on the back of one: a pro as the pilot, me as the pillion.

All going well, I’m going to do some Qik videos, and even a live stream from the back of a superbike.

Get into it: see you there?


…months later, a new post.

Being under Non Disclosure Agreements left, right, and centre makes it hard to find a work-oriented topic to post on that doesn’t violate someone-or-another’s intellectual property.

As I pointed out to Gavin Heaton, we should all be bound by FriendDA and leave it at that.

Seriously though, I’m working my way through industry topics such as convergence and media management in digital media, and finding a few nuggets to share.